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EH B'Y Playing Cards

Designed to be as unique as the province they come from.

A Bit About Newfoundland (aka "The Rock")


Here it is!

Newfoundland is a province in Canada that has its own time zone, often experiences four seasons in one day, and is home to the most bars and pubs per square foot, and the most Easterly point in North America.

While beautiful, full of unique traditions, friendly people, and its own dictionary, the province's population is rapidly declining. ​The Conference Board of Canada has predicted the total number of residents will fall from about 529,000 now to around 482,000 by 2035. Due to the economy, young people are often forced to move away to find work, despite not wanting to leave their families and their home. 

"I would jump at the chance to move back if a decent job was waiting." 

"I would leave and move back to Newfoundland in a heartbeat." 

Opportunity & Inspiration

As a Newfoundlander born and bred, who left the province to chase my dream of pursing a master's at Brandcenter, I have gained a strong appreciation of the province's beauty and culture. 

I was inspired to create something that would bring joy to people no matter where they are in the world.

I wanted to produce a product that would: 


Allow Newfoundlanders who moved away to feel closer to home.

Spark a conversation about the province and the things that Newfoundlanders know and love. 

Encourage people to take time to enjoy the company of those around them. 




I talked to Newfoundlanders to figure out what reminded them of 'home.' 


I took Skillshare and Lynda tutorials to learn how to design in Creative Cloud.


I contacted numerous suppliers and secured one to print the cards.

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I started a Kickstarter campaign to get backers for the project.

I took to social media (@ehby_nl) to spread the word. 


I designed 14 different pieces of Newfoundland inspired artwork for the front of the cards, and a traditional Newfoundland tartan print for the backs. Every aspect of the cards were designed from scratch, even the suits!


In 24 days my Kickstarter campaign was 117% funded thanks to 80 backers who purchased a total of 111 decks of cards.  
The @eh_by Instagram account gained 1,488 followers. 
I opened an Etsy Shop to continue sales.
I started selling the cards through a local retailer in St. John's, NL. 
EH B'Y cards received significant media attention. I was featured on two radio shows and interviewed for a national news article.
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